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Daylight Saving Time Ends In 6 Weeksbut These States Hope It Lasts Forever

Daylight Saving Time Ends in 6 Weeks—But These States Hope It Lasts Forever

With Daylight Saving Time set to end on November 6, a growing number of states are considering making the time change permanent.

The idea of a permanent Daylight Saving Time (DST) has been gaining traction in recent years, as more and more people recognize the benefits of having more daylight in the evening. Several states have already passed legislation to make DST permanent, and many others are considering doing the same. In 2022, 19 states introduced legislation to make Daylight Saving Time permanent. Of those, three states—Arizona, California, and Oregon—passed the legislation. These states will now need to wait for Congressional approval before they can make DST permanent. There are a number of reasons why people support making DST permanent. One of the main benefits is that it would reduce the number of traffic accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there is a 5% increase in fatal crashes in the week after the clocks "fall back" in the fall. This is likely due to the fact that people are more tired when they drive home from work in the dark. Another benefit of permanent DST is that it would save energy. A study by the U.S. Department of Energy found that permanent DST would reduce the country's energy consumption by 1%. This is because people would use less energy lighting their homes and businesses in the evening. Finally, permanent DST would improve people's health. A study by the University of Colorado found that people who live in areas with permanent DST have better sleep habits and lower rates of obesity and heart disease. This is likely due to the fact that people have more time to get exercise and spend time outdoors when the sun is up.

Despite the many benefits of permanent DST, there are also some drawbacks.

One of the main concerns is that it would disrupt the agricultural industry. Farmers rely on sunlight to grow their crops, and permanent DST would mean that they would have to start their work day earlier in the morning. This could lead to lower crop yields and higher food prices. Another concern is that permanent DST would make it more difficult for children to get to school on time. In the winter months, the sun would not rise until after 8:00 a.m. in many parts of the country. This could make it difficult for children to get to school on time, especially if they have to walk or take the bus. Overall, the benefits of permanent DST outweigh the drawbacks. Permanent DST would reduce traffic accidents, save energy, and improve people's health. It would also make it easier for people to enjoy the outdoors in the evening. While there are some concerns about the impact of permanent DST on the agricultural industry and children's school schedules, these concerns can be addressed with careful planning and coordination.
